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August 26th, 2003 at 6:02 pm

day one

Posted in: General

Day one of my holiday has been largely devoted to administrivia. Trundling around to update driver’s licence, pay uni fees, pay off a bit more of the house, etc etc. Not exactly on the top of the list of all time fabulous holiday activities, but worthy nevertheless. And they’d been bugging me. So much better done.
Did manage the sleep in bit – although it wasn’t really a sleep in, more a back to bed – given that I got up at 6.15am to take the dog to the park. (I made it back to bed for a joyous extra couple of hours upon my return.)
Got in some heavy duty novel reading and some pretty serious essay avoidance too.
At around 4.00ish I’d just made the mid afternoon cup ‘o tea and was scrabbling around to find something delicious to have with it (sadly lacking) when the door bell rings.
Who could it be?
It was the kids from next door bearing King Size Caramello Koalas!! Right then lads, I’ll take ’em off your hands.
Have just eaten three. Feel a bit sick actually. Ooops, caramel leaking into the keyboard. Hmmmm, sticky typing. Good thing housemate who owns keyboard is out of the country. HA! Plenty of time to make it look like nothing ever happened.
I lurv holidays!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 26th, 2003 at 6:02 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

5 Responses to “day one”

  1. Daniel Says:

    Oh man, nobody brought me any king size Caramellos. I demand caramello equality!

  2. Rae Says:

    I think the koalas are the *ahem* flavour of the month. Phee came home with a boxload last week and I had to bring them to work to sell.

    BTW Marita, I must say, essay writing avoidance is the best pastime! I’m an expert at that one!

  3. Rae Says:

    I think the koalas are the *ahem* flavour of the month. Phee came home with a boxload last week and I had to bring them to work to sell.

    BTW Marita, I must say, essay writing avoidance is the best pastime! I’m an expert at that one!

  4. missmarita Says:

    Well, Daniel, here in the ‘scray we generally have a penchant for the bulk quantity, king sized, value pack consumer item of choice. Still, I’ve never had King sized Caramello koalas delivered to my door before! Excellent. (All gone now, though.)*Sigh*


    I’m sure you agree with the above Rae! And, guess how I’ve avoided so far today? I used strategy number 97 and cleaned out the fridge!

  5. J Says:

    But you forget, oh housemate, that even in the wilds of Californ-eye-aye they have internet connections!