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April 29th, 2004 at 4:09 pm

our favourite things

Posted in: General

My housemate has discovered a new flavour in instant porridge – and just the thing for those chilly early mornings.

It’s hazelnut – with just a hint of golden syrup.




I love it.

And so does our dog.

Give me some of that human food.
I really like it.
Give me some.
Wag. Wag. Wag.)

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 29th, 2004 at 4:09 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “our favourite things”

  1. Rae Says:

    Isn’t it funny how that you can just look at their faces and know what they’re thinking?

    And it’s always about food.

  2. Kathy Says:

    You are right, this is a great flavour. I went out and bought some based on your blog entry and I give it the big thumbs-up. It hasn’t quite gazumped my all-time favourite (baked apple & french vanilla) but it’s definitely second on my list.
    Oh I love falvoured instant porridge, it is one of the great luxuries of our age and one of the abiding comforts of winter.

  3. justine Says:

    Kathy: It’s even better if you chop up a banana into the porridge before cooking it. (Of course, you have to be one of those people who likes cooked banana).

  4. Kathy Says:

    Jus: I am one of those people, and will try your suggestion tomorrow for breakfast. Oooo, gooey warm ‘nana… (Look! There’s those damnable points of ellipsis again!)