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March 11th, 2003 at 1:15 pm

the secret life of …….me!

Posted in: General

Where my past is unexpectedly brought to life on the small screen.
At the end of a busy long weekend Justine and I sat down to watch ‘The Secret Life of Us’. Sure, it’s a soap but that’s what makes it ideal viewing. (Although I must be getting old because rather than describing it as full of pretty young things, I’d have to describe it as full of boys who badly need haircuts. You have a look – scruffy, almost every single one). We like to watch because we used to live in a lovely little flat on the border of St Kilda and it’s nice to see the old familiar places on the teev. Mostly, however, we like to complain about its realism (or lack thereof). “Nothing like that ever happened when we lived there!” “Look, they’re going the wrong way. You can’t go there in that direction!!” (Couch critics).
Anyway, some way through last night’s episode I began having a flash back to circa 1996. One of the TV characters meets a guy in a bar and ends up having a falling out over the Middle East situation, eerily paralleling a conversation I once had in my own loungeroom in St Kilda:

Guy on TV: “I’d drop a bomb on the Middle East. That’d solve the problem.”
Guy in my loungeroom: “I’d shoot Saddam Hussein in the head. I’d do it myself. That’d solve the Middle East problem.”
Girl on TV: “Isn’t that a bit of a simplistic solution?”
Me in my loungeroom: “Isn’t the issue a bit more complex/systemic than that?”
Girl on TV: “Are you in the Army?”
Guy in my loungeroom: “Yep, I was in the SAS …. and proud of it.”
Girl on TV: “You are an idiot. Go away.”
Me in my loungeroom: “You are an idiot. Go away.”
(Or something like that.)

Just a little too close for comfort!
But I look forward to seeing what happens to me next!!

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