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November 17th, 2003 at 9:13 pm

the pirate wore brogues

Posted in: General

History conferences tend to bring together a very weird and wonderful slice of humanity. They’re certainly not all old crusties by any means despite what you may think – there is a fair percentage of young nerdy types too! Actually, ‘nerdy’ is probably not quite right – it’s more like just a bit strange.
As are many of the exhibitors who request table space to vend their wares(?) on these occasions. Many are educational publishers professing profound (ooh, surprise alliteration) interest in history (“I’ve always loved it”. Yeah. Right. I bet you say that to everyone running a conference. Next week at the geography teachers’ conference I’ll bet they’ll be saying how much they like topographical maps. Humpff. Fickle.) Now, where was I?…Oh, yes. The exhibitors. So, there’s booksellers and archives and a whole assortment of cultural institutions with an interest in capturing a slice of the school history pie. Dressing up to reflect the character and content of the goods and or services you offer seems to be a preferred mode of capturing the interest of teachers and students. A cunning costume adds just the right dash of authenticity. Uh-huh?
So where did the pirate come from? He spent quite a bit of time hanging out with the National Trust people (also in costume) but I’m a bit uncertain as to his history credentials. For one thing – he didn’t talk like a pirate. Not once did I hear a “Shiver me timbers” and he was waaaaay (annoyingly so) too liberal with the bad gags. Pirates, I have always assumed, leaning towards the humourless. Secondly, he was wearing brogues. A most unseaworthy type of shoe and nary a big silver buckle in sight. Finally, and most damningly, Trish caught him out shouting into a mobile phone. Most inauthentic for a pirate.

This entry was posted on Monday, November 17th, 2003 at 9:13 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “the pirate wore brogues”

  1. Daniel Says:

    Maybe he was on the phone to Danoz Direct, ordering a new pair of buckle shoes? Or shouting orders to the first mate? Authentic communication would have used semaphore flags or something… I hope he at least had the Captain Pugwash theme as his mobile phone ring.

  2. damien Says:

    oh dear, yet another worrying manifestation of your pirate fetish.

    i offer the following evidence:

    a: promotion of ‘international talk like a pirate day’
    b: answering teh telephone for a mercifully brief period by saying ‘ahoy’.
    c: ogling ‘fake’ pirates at ‘history conventions’.
    d: smiling coquettishely at the locksmith as he opened teh ‘pirates treasure chest’ to gain access to a hoard of baguettes…

    need i go on ?